BCSO Ghost pack [Add-On]

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Category: Vehicles
Upload by: SAS994


Combine my unmarked into a package and make ghost livery for them.



- new livery.

- Alamo: update model.

- BuffaloS: new light setup.

- Stanier: Fixed windows tint bug


If your emergency light doesn't work or they're in the wrong place,this is because they conflict with other mod you install. Use this SirenSetting Limit Adjuster

If the game crashes during the loading screen. Use custom gameconfig, you can find them on this website.


1. copy the 'bcghost' folder to the file path "mods/update/x64/dlcpacks/"

2. open OpenIV navigate to 'dlclist.xml' in "mods/update/update.rpf/common/data/". Add "< Item>dlcpacks:/bcghost/< /Item>"

Spawn Name:

bcghost (Stanier)

bcghost3,bcghost4 (BuffaloS)

bcghost5,bcghost6 (Scout)

bcghost7,bcghost8 (Alamo)

bcghost9,bcghost10 (Landroamer)


- Rockstar Games original model,textures and vehicle parts.

- Dani02 BuffaloS and Scout model.

- GCT Alamo model.

- Tall70 Landstalker model.

- DustyFlop edited Stanier police model.

- Bravo-One-Charlie edited BuffaloS police model.

- Bozza Alamo front bumper light covers, rear seat edits;original BCSO livery.

- actuallyTOXIC Alamo: convert to PPV, front end model edits, new template.

- TheF3nt0n mapped Stanier and BuffaloS.

- Glennoconnel Granger parts for trunk edits and taillight setup.

- Voit Turyv dashcam model;pushbar model;emergency light;BuffaloS wheels.

- IlayArye edited Alamo police and Landroamer model;mapped Alamo,Scout and Landroamer.

- 11john11 LED model.

- Jacobmaate emergency light;Alamo boot model edit.

- Vx5 Voltage edited Scout police Model;Stanier steelie wheels;toughbook model;police console improvements.

- LamboFreak BuffaloS new headlight.Buffalo custom sound.

- SAS994 emergency light setup;ghost livery.

- Velactor emergency light for Scout reversinglights.

- Nachtfliege Landroamer headlight textures.

- AlexanderLB BuffaloS and Landroamer badges;Wiwang Emergency Lighting System texture.

If there are any credits missing or incorrect please notify me
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